Monday, November 26, 2012

The Gift of Learning

Ever heard of

Being able to learn is a great gift!  My kids probably wouldn't agree with that on cold November mornings as I'm hurrying them out the door to school but the older you get the more you become interested in our world and the less time you have to invest in learning more.  Well I recently was introduced to   Through this website you are allowed to take FREE, on-line courses.  They are offered through some of the most prestigious colleges in the country.....John Hopkins, Stanford, Duke University just to name a few.  Some offer certificates upon completion but you do not receive college credit.  To learn is a gift.   For anyone wanting to return to college because they weren't able to finish or look into a different type of degree, this may be something you can try before spending thousands of dollars just to "see" if you like it.   It does take time, it has homework, peer assessments, and video lectures.  All of the courses I have taken have been very informative and well done.  I am just completing the course 'Economics of Obesity' through John Hopkins University.  I have learned that knowledge is the greatest motivator in life.  Learn something and then teach it to someone else.  We can all help each other in the desire to have a healthy lifestyle.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Eat to Live or Live to Eat?

Why what you weigh has more do to with what you think than what you eat....

When I got married food took on a whole new dimension for me.  I came from a large family who "Ate to Live" so food really wasn't and isn't that big of a deal for me.  My husband came from a family who "Lived to Eat" and food was and still is the center of EVERYTHING.  

For Thanksgiving this year our two families are merging and having "the Feast" together.  I talk to my sisters and brothers and they talk about what crafts we should pull together for the kids, whether the weather will be good enough for a football game and what games and puzzles we can do while we are together.  I talk to my husband's family and they are worried about what kind of pies we will have, who is making the sweet potatoes and what recipe they are using and if there will be enough food for everyone.  Which of these sounds like your family? 

How we think about food is usually evident in how we look and feel.   My family has a long history of ancestors who lived to be 100 years old and died of old age instead of illness or disease.  I grew up living off of what grew out of the ground more than what roamed around.  My husband's family suffers from Diabetes, Heart Ailments and other illnesses.  My Father-in-Law lost two of his sisters this past summer both due to poor health and disease and my in-laws are currently looking to move into a different home that will be able to accomodate him as he becomes more dependent on needing a wheelchair full-time because of his diabetes.   How do you think about food?  Is it the center of everything you do?  How do your children think about food?  Do they use it as comfort, do they eat out of boredom, do they use it to fill a void?  Take a step back and take a look at your relationship with food.  Do you "Eat ot Live" or "Live to Eat", and what does that mean for your future and your children's?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Grab and friend and get healthy together!

Meal Sharing Idea

Did you know that it is easier to be successful at something when you have someone you have to be accountable to?   Recently a friend called and asked if I would be interested in helping her out..."Sure," I replied.   Little did I know how much she would really be helping me.  She expressed her frustration and being so busy that dinner time was always a last ditch effort on her part and she found that her kids would come home from school and snack on cereal and Ramen noodles to tie them over until dinner.  After her exhausting day at work she would find herself at a loss on "What to make for dinner?"   Usually in an effort to pull something together her kids would snack their way through the evening and she usually gave up and let them eat whatever they could find.  Sound familiar??  It has occurred in our home more than once and seems to happen more and more as kids sporting events and activities increase with age.   She had the idea of doing a "Healthy Meal Sharing" adventure.  We recruited one more mom and together decided to each take a night of the week to prepare a main dish and side dish for each of the three families.  Making one meal three times as big once a week was WAY easier than three separate meals.  My night was Wednesday.  Monday arrived and my kids were excited to see what was for dinner.  Dinner arrived between 3 and 4 pm with a recipe card of ingredients and instructions to reheat if necessary.  DELICIOUS!  The best part.....I didn't have to make it, and it was healthy!   Some of my kids loved it, some liked it, some didn't like it, but everyone had to try it.  We have been doing meal sharing now for a few months and I love the surprise healthy dinners.....everything from a Turkey with Black Beans and Sweet Potato Chili to Butternut Squash Bisque. We have tried all kinds of new foods, some good, some not....but all better than cereal!   :)    Find a friend, a neighbor or a relative and be creative in being healthy together!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Apples at Lunch

Thanks to all the students who "ATE HEALTHY TODAY".  We hope you enjoyed the apples at lunch time.  We want you to enjoy this blog and check back for updates on living a healthy lifestyle!  What is your favorite type of apple??  Leave us a comment and let us know!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

November News

This month our Healthy Living Theme is "Gratitude".    On our Contest page find the form to print out and write the top 5 things you are grateful for.  Turn this form into the box in the school lobby to redeem a new charm.  The contest ends on November 30.   Also we have some great exercise tips and other Yummy Fall recipes to share with you this month.  Keep checking in on a regular basis so you don't miss out, our Blog changes and updates all the time.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Eating Healthy during the Holidays

Eating nutritiously is an important part of good health. In June 2011, the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) released a new food icon to help teach Americans to eat better. It is called Myplate. Myplate was developed using the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The main principles of Myplate include:

Balancing Calories

  • Enjoy your food, but eat less.
  • Avoid oversized portions.
Foods to Increase

  • Make half your plate fruits and vegetables.
  • Make at least half your grains whole grains.
  • Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk.

Foods to Reduce

  • Compare sodium in foods like soup, bread, and frozen meals ―
  • and choose the foods with lower numbers.
  • Drink water instead of sugary drinks.

Want to learn more about MyPlate? Check out the website, which contains a wealth of resources based on the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans to help individuals meet nutrient and calorie needs and make positive eating choices.

Courtesy Utah State University Cooperative Extension