Fitness and Exercise for all ages

We have gone from this.....

and we are headed into this.....
This month is Get Up and Move Month at Hawthorn Academy.  If the winter keeps you inside and couch bound then it is time to shake out those legs and get back outside.  Set some specific goals to get up and move.  Here are a few simple suggestions to help you out...


Tip to Keep Going on a Run!

   but don't forget....
  don't skip meals! #fitness
How to burn more calories walking
just in case you need more motivation....
cardio exercises and calories burned

Small daily changes that can change your health

After a recent accident, I have had to make some changes in my life and around our house.  I was told by the orthopedic surgeon to make "core exercises my job" or in otherwords, if I wanted to keep my back from being in constant pain, I needed to keep my core muscles (my stomach, lower back and hip flexors) strong and flexible.  In order to maintain this regimen I found a way to incorporate it into my everyday life and it has helped tremendously.  So, here are a few of the changes we have made....
Instead of this computer chair: 

We use this stability ball.

Instead of laying on the floor to play video games, sitting on the couch to watch TV or on a regular chair to put together a puzzle or play a board game....

We also use stability balls.

This has been an easy and effective way to strengthen your core muscles and help maintain good posture all while doing the things we do everyday.  I was able to pick up stability balls at Ross for less than 10 bucks and it has been a great investment.  I find our kids playing with them all the time, whether they are rolling on them or bouncing on them, it keeps them moving just to have them around the house.
We have also found a fun and easy way to help the kids get out some energy with the weather being cold.....It is called... The Stick Game!  Pick some easy exercises that you and your kids can do and write them on craft sticks.  Some ideas are:  5 Jumping Jacks, Run up and down the stairs, 5 push-ups,  10 sit-ups, 10 leap frogs, Go outside and run around the house, Hop up and down 10 times, etc.  Gauge the exercises on the abilities and interests of your own kids.  As the weather gets warmer, this game can move outdoors for even more fun.  Enjoy!!!
Grab a Deck of Cards and Get In Shape
Here is a great exercise idea to do with your kids, on your own, or to give kids something to do to get out their energy when the weather is bad and they are "bored".  Grab a deck of regular cards and shuffle it well.  Now have your kids pick 4 of their favorite exercise moves.  Let's say they pick Jumping Jacks, Sit-ups, Push-ups, and Frog Squats (see video clip below).  Assign each suit in the deck an exercise so...
Spades would be Frog Squats
Hearts would be Jumping Jacks
Diamonds would be Push-ups
Clovers would be Sit-ups
The rules are easy, pull a card and do the value of the card for the exercise.  So if you pulled a 8 of Hearts, you would do 8 jumping jacks.  Then pull another card and work through until the deck is gone.  The face cards can equal 10 or if you want to do it like our family then they equal...
Jack = 12
Queen = 14
King = 16
Ace = 18
Leave the Jokers in the deck and when you pull one of them you run up and down the stairs as many times as you decide.  This game is fun for any age and you can use any exercise you want.  You can group your kids together and have them work on the same deck of cards or give them each their own, or better yet, do it with them and grab your own deck of cards.  It is a lot more fun to exercise with someone especially if you are playing a game because then it doesn't feel like exercise at all.  Have Fun!

Think outside the box.....

Always wanted to learn to tap dance? Attempt to box? Master the jump rope? Ask any schoolchild: Fall is a great time to learn something new.

Many classes at gyms and elsewhere get started in the fall, so look around and see if something intrigues you.  With the kids in school, parents have more time to check out those classes.

Fall is the perfect time to gain new physical skills,  because you burn fewer calories when you begin a new activity (thanks to the learning curve). If you learn something new now, by next summer, you'll have mastered the skill -- and you'll burn more calories doing it, just in time for swimsuit season.

Fun Fall Fitness
Did you know that the average American gains approximately 2 to 4 extra pounds between Halloween and New Years?  Did you also know that it only takes three weeks (yep, only 21 short days) to make a new habit that lasts.  Well, we have approximately three weeks before Halloween and in that time you can make some great exercise habits or keep up with some that you already enjoy.  Many times people will ask me what the best form of exercise is, and I tell them "the one that you will do".  It doesn't matter what type of exercise it is, walking, running, karate, dancing, the list could go on forever.  Just get up and move.  If you don't like the word "exercise" because it seems like a chore, then just take time to do what you enjoy and it won't even feel like exercise.  Set yourself a goal and get moving, Fall can be a time to let yourself fall into something exercise!

Champion Village
How would you like to exercise, play with friends and earn rewards at the same time?  Champion Village is a fun way to do all of that!  Just go to to start today.  Set up a free account, create your character and start exercising.  When you login your exercise times, you earn points to enhance your character and add to your tree fort.  You can play with your friends or compete against them while you keep your body healthy!  Check it out today!

Couch 2 5K
Are you ready to get off the couch and get moving?  Here is a program that will get you from the couch to running a 5K in 9 weeks!  Get started now and be ready for Hawthorn Academy's Fun Run April 28.

Week 1
Workout 1: Brisk 5 minute warm up walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes.
Workout 2: Same
Workout 3: Same
Week 2
Workout 1: Brisk 5 minute warm up walk. Then alternate 90 seconds of jogging and 2 minutes of walking for a total of 20 minutes.
Workout 2: Same
Workout 3: Same
Week 3
Workout 1: Brisk 5 minute warm up walk.  Then do 2 repetitions of the following:
Jog 200 yards or 90 seconds, walk 200 yards or 90 seconds, jog 400 yards or 3 minutes and walk 400 yards or 3 minutes
Workout 2: Same
Workout3: Same
Workout 1: Brisk 5 minutes warm up walk. Then jog 1/4 mile or 3 minutes, walk 1/8 mile or 90 seconds, jog 1/2 mile or 5 minutes, walk 1/4 mile or 2.5 minutes, jog 1/4 mile or 3 minutes, walk 1/8 mile or 90 seconds, and jog 1/2 mile or 5 minutes.
Workout 2: Same
Workout 3: Same
Week 5
Workout 1: Brisk 5 minute warm up walk. Then jog 1/2 mile or 5 minutes, walk 1/4 mile or 3 minutes, jog 1/2 mile or 5 minutes, walk 1/4 mile or 3 minutes and jog 1/2 mile or 5 minutes.
Workout 2: 5 minute warm up walk. Then jog 3/4 mile or 8 minutes, walk 1/2 mile or 5 minutes and jog 3/4 mile or 8 minutes.
Workout 3: 5 minutes warm up walk. then jog 2 miles or 20 minutes with no walking.
Week 6
Workout 1: 5 minute warm up walk. Then jog 1/2 mile or 5 minutes, walk 1/4 mile or 3 minutes, jog 3/4 mile or 8 minutes, walk 1/4 mile or 3 minutes, jog 1/2 mile of 5 minutes.
Workout 2: 5 minute warm up walk. Then, jog 1 mile or 10 minutes, walk 1/4 mile or 3 minutes, jog 1 mile or 10 minutes
Workout 3: 5 minute warm up walk. Then, jog 2 1/4 miles or 22 minutes with no walking.
Week 7
Workout 1: 5 minute warm up walk. Then jog 2.5 miles or 25 minutes
Workout 2: Same
Workout 3: Same
Week 8
Workout 1: Warm up walk. Then jog 2.75 miles or 28 minutes.
Workout 2: Same
Workout 3: Same
Week 9
Workout 1: Warm up walk. Jog 3 miles or 30 minutes.
Workout 2: Same
Workout 3: Same